About our company
OOO Torgoviy Dom Lesokhimik is the leading company on Russian tall oil products market. The company exercises delivering of the following products: distilled tall oil, tall oil fatty acids, sulfate turpentine, tall oil rosin, tall oil pitch and other kinds of wood chemical industry products. Besides, the company provides a variety of services in manufacturing and technological fields.
The production of OOO TD Lesokhimik matches the RF State Standard. Our customers represent the leading producers in paint-and-varnish, mineral resource, chemical and metallurgy industry, as well as manufacturers of synthetic and compounded rubber, and building materials. Also we deal with petroleum exploitation and refining facilities, eco-fuel manufacturers, etc.
Our company has in possession the smooth logistical schemes, required storage facilities, specialized means of transportation, and its own local railways.
OOO TD Lesokhimik has a team of highly qualified experts eager to keep building and developing long term and mutually-beneficial relations with our customers.